Minimally Invasive Procedures
Dr Pedraza performing a Laparoscopic Spay
New technology has paved the way for incredible new veterinary surgical techniques that are the future of veterinary medicine. This new approach has been used to either complement or replace traditional techniques. Minimally invasive procedures are described as procedures that require 2 small incisions or sometimes referred to as key-hole surgery. A camera is placed in one of these small incisions in order to avoid a large incision that is very painful for patients after surgery. The benefits of minimally invasive procedures are: the incisions are much smaller, quicker recovery time, amazing visualization of the internal organs, no suture removal required and less anesthesia. Typically, patients can go back to normal activity in 5-7 days as opposed to 14 days with traditional techniques.
Minimally Invasive Procedures we perform:
Exploratory Laparoscopy + Biopsies of Major Organs