Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Dr. Pedraza’s hospital?

 We are a mobile surgical team that travels to various hospitals in the greater Los Angeles area. Please send us an email so we can attempt to accommodate you and your pet closest to your home. Our service map is located at the bottom of our website.

How do we contact Dr. Pedraza?

Email is the best form of communication as we do not have a primary work phone for clients. You can fill out the ‘Contact Us’ Box at the bottom of our web site or email us at We check our email every hour and will be able to contact you within a few hours.

What type of cases does Dr. Pedraza see?

We are a surgical team only. We do not typically do any type of consultations. Diagnostics are made through your primary veterinarian first. If your pet is a candidate for surgery, please contact us or have your veterinarian contact us and we will try to accommodate you as best as we can. If you email us regarding your pet, please provide veterinary records. Without records or seeing your pet it is not possible to diagnose or provide treatment options for any case.

What are Dr. Pedraza’s fees?

We work with the hospitals that we travel to when it comes to price. The hospital is responsible for providing a full estimate of any fees or charges. Dr. Pedraza does not make any financial decisions for prices as he provides the hospital his price for performing any surgery. Any questions regarding price will have to be made through the veterinary hospital where your pet is being treated.

 What specific hospitals does Dr. Pedraza perform procedures?

When you contact us, we can provide the best hospital specifically for your pet, preferred price or location. Dr. Pedraza will use his resources to provide the best location possible.